sweet memories part 3 : 'CUPI'

Cupi is the name which i gave to my little brother. he is a cute boy, bad boy, mischievous, and many moooreee...... i often fight with him, but now he was studying in far place, and i miss him :(

"hey de, apa kabar cupi? hahaha kalo tth ketemu skr pasti ga berani bilang gitu, susah. 
De baik2 disana yah, tth tau di Gontor itu berat, tth juga tau cuma ade sendiri yg bisa ngerasain, jgn nangis kalo nelepon kamu kan hrs jd laki2 kuat  :), ini emang berat tp dimanapun jalan menuju kesuksesan itu emang ga gampang, belajar jd laki2 yg kuat, ngerti keadaan, berjuang keras. Ade tau ga mamah&ayah selalu berdoa tiap hari buat ade, jd ade harus bisa ngelewatin ini semua yah buat mama sama ayah. Teteh jg sering doain ade, pasti ade ga nyangka ya?hahhaahaha
-fight my lil bro :)


  1. hey, I already follow your blog.
    I like your blog
    would you follow my blog back?

  2. Haha what a cute little boy you have turned in a little devil.
    But I know what you mean. I have the same hate/love relationship with my little brother.


  3. i've followed u dear :)
    this is my blog http://sheliaanjarani.blogspot.com/

  4. of course, we can follow each other.
    I've done following you, hope you'll follback ;)


  5. thanks for visit and following my blog dear ! i'll follow you back <3


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