my 'wishlist' food :)

Do you know what activity  i almost like while fasting? Yes. imagine delicious food.
maybe you think i'm stupid, but this is real. i think my imagination go to everything about food, food, and food. i know this is not good, but this is interesting. 
Look readers! i found a fun website which contains about indonesian food recipe, try to visit it !
and taddaaaa! this is my wishlist food ! looks so yummy right? aaaaaah please stop me ! >.<

number 2 = done ! yesterday i break fasting with crispy chicken in KFC with my friends. so crunchy ! <3 

oh, i just fall in love at first sight when saw this chocolate cake! look soft and yummy !

i decided to make this chocco-ball for my break fasting, wait for  my cooking experience post!


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