FRIDAY snapshot diary

Oh readers, today feels like everything so hard for explain. i come to my campus, then you know what? my lecturer just came to our class for 3 minutes then she go out, and we can back home. i mean, doesn't she know my house is so far?and i spent my time in the way, i spent my money, i even don't clean my house. But when i come to my class, i think i just wasting time for everything. Hhh, just wanna make everything alright, i bought a bar of chocolate, and go home. Next Tuesday i'll face the examination, but, i won't read my book today, i won't learn everything about my campus lesson, i just want to enjoying today, so i took some photoshot. Here they are :)

playing with my face in photoshop, i think my eyes look like syahrini -__-

this flower bouquet made by my mother :)


  1. thanks for visit and follow my blog :)
    sure we can follow each other

  2. Just followed you dear. Lovely blog you have here! <3


  3. Hiiii! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! Of course we can follow each other! I'm already following you!! :)
    Elyse xo


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