Today my mood change so fast. i have a lot of task, and i don't want to write them all. Its enough for me to let them spin in my mind. i think today i'll make some food for my self, so i'll go to supermarket for something sweet :). And oh, here a bonus.
This photo was taken with my blackberry when i'm in holiday at grandma's house. 
finished edit them today in my photoshop. oh God, i think i really need SLR camera.


  1. love all your photos! ♥
    what camera do you use?
    are they edited ?

    Ruby and Rosa

  2. this photos took with my blackberry dear, and i edit them :)

  3. hey, I already follow you. thanks before to follow me back. :-)

  4. following you, right now... salam kenal yaa :)

  5. Salam kenal ,foto yang bagus ,boleh saling follow.


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